Deep in the Jordan Valley and 55 km southeast of Amman, is
the Dead Sea, one of the most spectacular natural and spiritual landscapes in
the whole world. It is the lowest body of water on earth, the lowest point on
earth, and the world's richest source of natural salts, hiding wonderful
treasures that accumulated throughout thousands of years.
To reach this unique spot, the visitor enjoys a short 30 minutes drive from
Amman, surrounded by a landscape and arid hills, which could be from another
planet. En route a stone marker indicates "Sea Level", but the Dead Sea itself
is not reached before descending another 400 meters below this sign.

The sunset touching distant hills with ribbons of fire
across the waters of the Dead Sea brings a sense of unreality to culminate a
day's visit to this region. It is normally as calm as a millpond, with barely a
ripple disturbing its surface, but it can become turbulent. During most days,
however, the water shimmers under a beating sun. Where rocks meet its lapping
edges, they become snow-like, covered with a thick, gleaming white deposit that
gives the area a strange and surreal sense.
As its name evokes, the Dead Sea is devoid of life due to an extremely high
content of salts and minerals which gives its waters the renowned curative
powers, therapeutic qualities, and its buoyancy, recognized since the days of
Herod the Great, more than 2000 years ago.
And because the salt content is four times that of most world's oceans, you can
float in the Dead Sea without even trying, which makes swimming here a truly
unique experience not to be missed: here is the only place in the world where
you can recline on the water to read a newspaper.
Scientifically speaking, its water contains more than 35 different types of
minerals that are essential for the health and care of the body skin including
Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium, Bromine, Sulfur, and Iodine. They are well known
for relieving pains and sufferings caused by arthritis, rheumatism, psoriasis,
eczema, headache and foot-ache, while nourishing and softening the skin. They
also provide the raw materials for the renowned Jordanian Dead Sea bath salts
and cosmetic products marketed worldwide.
A unique combination of several factors makes Dead
Sea's total attraction: the chemical composition of its water, the filtered
sunrays and oxygen-rich air, the mineral-rich black mud along the shoreline, and
the adjacent fresh water and thermal mineral springs.
Although sparsely populated and serenely quiet now, the area has a historical
and spiritual legacy of its own. It is believed to be the site of five biblical
cities: Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zebouin and Zoar.
A series of new roads, hotels and archaeological discoveries are converging to
make this region as enticing to international visitors today as it was to kings,
emperors, traders and prophets in antiquity.
Seaside facilities include modern hotels with therapeutic clinics and
restaurant/bathing/sports complexes, meeting the needs of day visitors or
parties wishing to spend the night amidst one of the most dramatic and moving
landscapes in the World