Wild Life:
Throughout history, the land of Jordan has been renowned for its
luxurious vegetation and wildlife. Ancient mosaics and stone engravings
in Jawa and Wadi Qatif show pictures of oryx, Capra ibex and oxen. Known
in the Bible as the “land of milk and honey,” the area was described by
more recent historians and travelers as green and rich in wildlife.
During the 20th century, however, the health of Jordan's natural habitat
has declined significantly. Problems such as desertification, drought
and over hunting have damaged the natural landscape and will take many
years to rectify.
Fortunately, Jordanians have taken great strides in recent years toward
stopping and reversing the decline of their beautiful natural heritage.
Even now, the Kingdom retains a rich diversity of animal and plant life
that varies between the Jordan Valley, the Mountain Heights Plateau and
the Badia Desert region.
Spring is the high season for Jordanian flora, and from February to May
many regions are carpeted with a dazzling array of flowering plants.
More than 2000 species of plants grow in Jordan, and the variety of the
country's topography and climate is reflected in the diversity of its
flora. Most of these species, however, depend heavily on the winter
rains. When there is a warm, dry winteras in 1984 many flowers either
fail to appear or are considerably reduced. Jordan boasts a wide variety
of flowering wild flowers, but the most famous is the national flower
-the black iris. Fields of this flower, which is not found in Europe,
can be seen in masses near the town of Madaba. The highlands of Jordan
host forests of oak and pine, as well as pistachio and cinnabar trees.
Olive, eucalyptus and cedar trees thrive throughout the highlands and
the Jordan Valley. Jordan's dry climate is especially conducive to shrub
trees, which require less water. Species of shrubs can be found
throughout all the geographical regions of Jordan. Contrary to popular
conceptions, deserts are often teaming with life. Many small shrub
plants thrive in the Badia, where they are often grazed by the goats of
local Bedouin tribes. Several species of acacia trees can be found in
the deserts, as well as a variety of sturdy wild flowers and grasses
which grow among the rocks in this demanding habitat.
One can find about 70 species and subspecies of mammals, along with 73
reptile species, in Jordan. The dry climate has limited amphibian
species to only four families. About 20 species of freshwater fish are
found in Jordan's rivers and streams, while around 1000 species of fish
are known to exist in the rich waters of the Gulf of Aqaba. The harsh
conditions of the desert wilderness, which covers most of the country,
allow only an assortment of nature's hardiest and most adaptable
creatures to survive. As with most desert habitats, the majority of
faunal life consists of insects, lizards, and small mammals. However, a
number of larger mammals can be found in the desert region, including
the Asiatic jackal, desert fox, striped hyena, wolf, camel, rabbit and
sand rat. The white oryx, which was hunted almost to extinction, lives
on the open plains, while the mountain ibex is at home among rocky,
mountainous crags. Both of these two species are relatively rare.
Jordan also possesses a large and varied assortment of birdlife. This
can be traced, once again, to the variety of habitats found within the
country–from mountains forests to desert oases, from high cliffs to
sweeping deserts, and from deep gorges to broad wadis. Two distinct
types of avifauna can be found in Jordan: those species which stay
year-round, and migratory visitors. At the junction of the Mediterranean
and Arabian faunal regions, Jordan lies on one of the world's major bird
migration routes, between Africa and Eurasia. Before the water levels of
the Azraq Reserve were depleted over the past ten years, up to 200,000
birds including spoonbills, white pelicans, egrets, terns and gulls, to
name a few would congregate there at one time during the migratory
season. The numbers of migrants have decreased as Azraq has grown drier,
yet even today up to 220 migratory species continue to transit through
Jordan on their journey north or south. The approximately 150 species
which are indigenous to Jordan seem not to have been affected greatly by
the great drought of the 1980s.
Marine life:
The Gulf of Aqaba is home to some of the finest marine life in the
Middle East, while its coral reefs are unmatched in the world. The gulf
is very narrow at its northern end it is only five kilometers wide and
quite deep, ranging in depth from between 1000 to 1800 meters. The depth
of the gulf, combined with its isolation from sea currents, minimize
turbulence and improve visibility. On the sandy shores, one can find
creatures such as the ghost crab, sandhoppers and the mole crab. The sea
waters, meanwhile, host a plethora of marine life including starfish,
sea cucumbers, crabs, shrimps, sea urchins, many species of fish and
several worms which burrow into the sandy sea bottom. A variety of sea
grasses can be found in the shallow waters, providing both food and
shelter to the fishes which inhabit the area. Several species of eel
make their home in the gulf's grass beds, where one can also find sea
horses and pipe fishes. Perhaps the greatest attraction for divers in
the Gulf of Aqaba is the colorful coral reefs, found especially near the
southern part of Jordan's coastline. There are around 100 varieties of
stony coral, and they are found mainly in shallow waters, as the algae
that live within them require light for photosynthesis. Many hundreds of
fish species make their homes among the reefs, and some live by eating
the algae that grows on the coral.