Wadi Ibn Hammad

The main reason to come to Kerak should be to do the walk of Wadi Ibn
Hammad. This is a walk which is not very well known, but for our groups,
it was the best walk we had, really super. It was rated 9,38/10, the
highest rate.
Description of the walk:
The start of the trip is 34 km north of Kerak in a very small village,
no bus there. The road winds down towards the river.
Then you start walking, and almost immediately, you'll walk in the water
and into the narrow siq, with plants and palm trees on the wall, some
waterfalls here and there. Most of the time you'll walk in the water
with water under the knees, at some places the water will come till your
waist. This will of course also depend on the time of the year you're
coming. Also, your local guide will know that you cannot do this walk
during or shortly after rain due to the risk of flash floods.
After 3 hours, you get out of the siq. In may, you'll see beautiful
flowering oleanders. You can stop here for lunch. Then you'll go for
another 2,5 to 3 hours.

There, your our driver should pick you up